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SMT service steps

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CHECKLIST | Steps for Service manager trainee(SMT)  for home garden maintenance


  1. Please call and ask the operation head, Neha in advance for the reporting time.

  2. Take the phone number of the gardener/s you are appointed for the service.

  3. Confirm the address of the service from the operation head on whatsapp. It must include customer name, house no, building name, locality etc.

  4. Call the gardener a night prior to the service to confirm the location and time. Please only share the building name and locality. Avoid sharing the customer name and house number to the gardener.

  5. Ensure you and the gardener have an OTP to enter(if needed in a locality).

  6. For dressing we recommend semi formals such as a kurta with jeans or a cotton dress.

  7. Carry a writing board, pen and at least 10 sheets of 'garden up service sheet', tools for the gardener.

  8. On reaching, inform the operation head of your location and find your gardener.

  9. Read the service notes of each house from last time to have mental notes of the work you have to get done today.


  1. Always greet the person who opens the house with a 'hello/hi/ namaste/good morning/ good afternoon or good evening'. If you are late, apologize as the first thing 'sorry we got a little late. If you see the owner(main person who interacts with you) also ensure to greet them. Anybody else in the house who does not make eye contact avoid talking to them. 

  2. Then assess the plants. See for their health and location. Inform the person who is representing the customer of the plant status. 'Maám the plants are doing well, they look healthy'. 'Didi(the maid), plants look over watered, i will set up the watering schedule for you etc). 

  3. As you assess the plants and before you start informing the customer of plant status, gently instruct the gardener where he should set up his work place. Also give him his first task like, 'dipesh, start with soil loosening' or 'bring areca here, start repotting etc'. Give only one instruction at this time.

  4. Once you assess the plants, and assign the gardener his first task, think in your head 'what are the things i want to get done today and will i be able to finish within the time we have'. At this time you may have to increase or reduce the amount of work. Also please refer to the notes from last service. 

  5. Once you have clarity of how much work and how much time it will take, instruct the gardener clearly what he is to do


  1. Tell the gardener how much time he has to finish the work.

  2. Avoid any conversation with the gardener or your operation head in front of the customer. Sometimes if the customer remains standing close to you, ask the gardener to come and pick up a plant from somewhere else, use this opportunity to instruct him of the step 5 &6.

  3. If anyone from the customer's house/family comes, talk politely with a smile. Language should be simple without fillers like úmm' áhhh'. Don't use a high pitched voice.  Always listen to the customer, looking in their eyes, nod your head to assure that you are understanding. If you don't  understand, ask question as the customer fimishes. Always have an expression like you know what is going on, never ever say Í dont know'! If you dont have an answer, say 'I will have to check and come back'. 

  4. Every 15 mins inform the gardener of the time he has left to wind up. 'Datta we will be late for next service, hurry up. Or 'hey datta, finish at ease you have time'.

  5. Help the gardener with lifting pots, cleaning in emergency situations only.

  6. When the gardener has started work and the customer is not engaged with you, sit down to fill the 'garden up service sheet'. Always fill notes in such a way that anyone else can understand everything without you being there to explain.


  7. As the gardener is about to finish in the last 10 mins, tell him to clean up and keep the pots back. You use this chance to summarize verbally to the customer what all you did and why. Give any bill if it's to be given. Say 'excuse me, maám, can i show you what all we have done today'. Or 'also here is the bill for the pots we got'.

  8. Ensure the gardener has picked up all his tools. 

  9. And end the service by saying a thank you to the customer's representative. 


> You are responsible for the security of the customer's house when you are there with the gardener. At no point the gardener should be out of your sight.

> if you can't keep an eye on the gardener, ask him to work outside the house.

> never say to the customer 'i dont know'

> ensure your gardener never contradicts you in front of the customer

> alway be on time. If you are late, ensure to inform the operations head so that she informs the customer that you are running late.

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